Audio Dictionary

This Glossary is provided to help guests understand more about the rental of inns, resorts and vacation rentals. It is not comprehensive but serves as a primer for terms guests may encounter in renting specialty lodging. Not all terms apply to all properties or managers.

Alerting Device

Visual or tactile devices to alert a person who cannot hear to door knocks, telephone rings, fire alarms, etc.
Origin: Hearing Loss Association of Canada

Certified Hearing Dog

A dog which has completed extensive training to alert its owner to a variety of sounds in different environments. These dogs are usually identified by a bright orange leash with black lettering.
Origin: Hearing Loss Association of Canada

Family Member

Includes Traveling Companion's dependent, spouse, child, spouse's child, son/daughter-in-law, parent(s), sibling(s), brother/sister, grandparent(s), grandchild, step-brother/sister, step-parent(s), parent(s)-in-law, brother/sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, guardian, Domestic Partner, foster child, or ward.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association